Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Back off sister?

Looks like I've got some competition.

Lady, whoever you are, you've challenged me to become the best Patrick Fitzgerald Lover ever. Now, it seems like you know more about him. But give me time. . .

Here's what she had to say:

"Back off sister- Once I saw his smile at that October, 2005 news conference, I was in love. Anyway, my name is Fitzgerald and I'd never have to change "our" lovely name.I like them tall. We could scuba and snorkel together- visit the relatives in Ireland. I could take him to a pick-up Rugby game in Griffith Park. His hair is fine as it is, though I'd love to see him in a pin-stripped suit and some summer shorts. I'll play with his God-kids, make him expresso shots at my place, go to Mass with him, drink dark Irish beers, have him show me New York City. And, I don't want to change a darn thing about him. He's dreamy and so wonderfully normal."

Maybe we can share him? You can do the boring stuff--like go to Mass, the rugby games, and definitely playing with his God children. I'll handle the dark Irish beer drinking (and any other beer drinking for that matter), Ireland, New York, and games of strip Trivial Pursuit.

I added the last one. And nice taste in men, btw.

Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm so misunderstood

Here's some recent feedback about my latest project:

From T2ed: "I see this eventually ending with either:a) a cease and desist letterb) a court hearingc) a psychiatric evaluationd) all of the above"

From Vile Moods: "I worry about you."

Guys, I' m doing this for America. Pat's losing steam and he needs me to inspire him. And by inspire, I mean help him find a place where he can get a decent hair cut.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

This is Patrick leaving my apartment this morning.

Alright, I'm kidding. It was yesterday morning.

Can I get in trouble for falsely claiming to have slumber parties with the Special Counsel? There's got to be a Patriot Act violation in there somewhere.

Pat if you're reading, I'll be at the free Flock of Seagulls concert tonight at CANS. And remember that one time, a few years ago, when I met you at the Walgreen's?

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Help me get a date with Patrick Fitzgerald!

You're his drycleaner. Maybe you cut his hair. Or perhaps you're the guy who sat behind him during Constitutional Law 101 at law school?

I need you.

Time is running out. The fate of the world hinges on me sitting down with this guy and telling him over a couple of beers that America needs him.

And if we end up making out later . . . I'm cool with it.

Pat Fitzgerald sightings? Tips? Ideas on where we should go on the date of the century? Email me at angieblog@yahoo.com